Almost 50,000 people a year enter homeless shelters immediately after exiting incarceration. Returning from jail, prison or juvenile detention places an immediate barrier to stable housing and employment.
state ranking for imprisonment rate
of individuals released from prison will return within one year
of formerly incarcerated individuals are still jobless up to a year after release
United Way of Acadiana’s PRI goal is to bolster public safety by executing a seamless strategy of support and monitoring tailored to each offender through cooperation between state and local entities, spanning from the point of their incarceration to their transition, reintegration, and aftercare within the community.
- Promoting conversations, partnerships, and events centered around reentry initiatives.
- Organizing efforts to meet the needs of human services.
- Collaborating with community partners to collectively address challenges.
- Increasing awareness and advocating for services to ensure a successful re-entry journey.
By focusing on successful prisoner reentry and promoting employment and health, LA-PRI aims to create safer, healthier, and more vibrant communities in the Acadiana. When individuals have the necessary support and resources to reintegrate successfully, the overall community benefits. Reduced recidivism rates mean increased public safety, while individuals who can secure employment and lead healthier lives are more likely to positively contribute to their communities.
Implementation Steering Team
The Implementation Steering Team brings together representatives of legal services district attorneys, law enforcement, community-based organizations, businesses, community leaders, faith-based organizations, victim advocates, Lived Experienced, and other stakeholders to address the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals reentering society after incarceration.
The IST is led by a co-chair from each phase:
- Phase I: Institutional Representative
- Phase II: Probation and Parole Representative
- Phase III: Community Representative
Through collaboration and the exchange of specialized knowledge, the Implementation Steering Team (IST) strives to establish a reentry process that is smoother and more efficient. Within the steering team, each specific focus area is guided by a Subject Matter Expert in that domain. These experts lead subcommittees dedicated to consolidating information, locating resources, and developing plans for service delivery within their respective areas.
- Housing
- Employment and Vocational Training
- Education/Higher Education
- Healthcare
- Mental Health/Addiction Support
- Transportation
- Family and Child Welfare Services/Family Reunification
Steering Team Committee
- Holly Howat: IST Co-Chair – Beacon Community Connections
- Laura Smith: IST Probation and Parole Co-Chair, Re-Entry Program Manager – Lafayette District Office Probation and Parole
- Jeri Mestayer: IST Probation and Parole Co-Chair Reentry Program Manager – New Iberia District Office Probation and Parole
- Jessica Hall: IST Reentry Facility Supervisor
- Marissa Winters: IST Community Co-Chair New Iberia District – United Way of Acadiana
- Micah Nicholas: IST Community Co-Chair New Iberia District – Capital West Red Cross
Community Partners
Beacon Community Connections
Lafayette Parish Probation and Parole
United Way of Acadiana
Acadiana Workforce Commission
Voice of the Experienced (VOTE)
Acadiana Legal Services
VITA (Volunteer Instructors Teaching Adults)
Second Harvest Food Bank
Lafayette Reentry Center
The Extra Mile
Pelican Credit Union
Lafayette City Government
The Family Tree
FFLIC (Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children)
The House of Freedom Church
SoLAcc (South Louisiana Community College
And more…
In Memory of Judge Jules Edwards III

UWA’s ReEntry Coalitions