PACT Quarter 2 Reporting Form This form is for PACT Quarter 2 Reporting and is due on January 15, 2024. Organization Name(Required)Program Name(Required)Name(Required) First Last TitleEmail(Required) Please provide a one sentence description of the program funded through the PACT Grant Program.(Required)What adjustments, if any, have you made to the program since your application was approved?(Required)How many individuals have been served to date through your program?(Required)Please report the demographic breakdown of those served, to the best of your ability.(Required)Percentage of clients served living below the ALICE average income threshold ($24,252 per year/single adult, $27,000 per year/single senior, $69,732 per year/family of four):Percentages of gender categories (male, female, nonbinary):Percentages of racial categories (Black, Indigenous, Asian, other):Percentages of age categories (under 18, 18-65, 65+):Percentage of Hispanic clients served:What data metrics will you be tracking in the coming months/year(s) to monitor the success of your program?If you are tracking metrics aside from demographics and number served, please report those results below:Please rate your satisfaction with your ability to track your results and results to date? 1 2 3 If you would like to elaborate on your rating you may do so here:Numbers do not always tell the whole story. Have you experienced any additional successes with your program you would like to share? This is a great place to give an example of success through an anecdote.UWA is excited to engage the community to participate in our PACT Partners programs. Check this box if you have an upcoming event/program you would like United Way of Acadiana's help promoting. Yes Please upload any flyer/photo that would give us more information and help us promote your event:Max. file size: 128 MB.We strongly encourage our PACT Partners to utilize our Volunteer Center and the UniteUS software platforms. Check this box if you would like to get your organization on the Volunteer Center or UniteUS and need more assistance utilizing these platforms. Yes Additional Comments:Please upload any other important documents here.Max. file size: 128 MB.Consent(Required) I agree to the privacy policy.